Free versionA custom rom with the CM theme engine is required to use this theme!Themed System:• Notifications (Dark)• Quick settings (Dark)• Devicedefault styles (Dark)• Framework & SystemUI (Dark)
Themed Apps:• AOSP Keyboard (Dark & light)• AudioFX (Dark)• Browser (Light)• Calculator (Dark)• Contacts (Dark)• CMFileManager (Dark)• CMUpdater (Dark)• Dialer/Incall (Dark)• Deskclock (Dark)• Documents (Dark)• Eleven (Light)• Euphoria OTACenter (Dark)• Gallery (Dark)• Google Keyboard (Dark & light)• Google Now + Launcher (Dark)• Google + (Light)• Hangouts (Light)• Launcher3 (Dark)• Settings (Dark)• Theme Chooser (Dark)• Trebuchet (Dark)• SMS/MMS (Dark)• Whatsapp (Light)• reddit is fun (Dark)
More:• New Wallpapers• New Bootanimation• New Font
If you find any bugs, please send me an email with an detailed report about your issue at:
[email protected]´t give a bad review because of bugs. Report them and I will try to fix them.